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Stored elastic energy amplifies muscle power to reduce performance loss at low temperatures



Western fence lizards maintain nearly the same maximum running speed and acceleration at 25° as at 35° C, despite a 50% drop in muscle velocity and power. This has important implications for survival, since a cool lizard basking in the morning is at risk for predation. Previous work has shown that lizards have just enough muscle to power acceleration, but the in vitro muscle experiments used to measure power were conducted at 39° C, which suggests that performance should drop significantly at lower temperatures. There is currently no explanation for the mismatch between the muscle contractile properties and the lizards’ locomotor abilities. I am testing the hypothesis that lizards use elastic energy stored in tendons to amplify muscle power and maintain acceleration performance over a wide range of temperatures.


I am testing this using two techniques. First, I am using in vitro muscle preparations to measure the potential for elastic energy storage in lizard locomotor muscles at multiple temperatures. Second, I am using inverse dynamics to measure the power output of the locomotor muscles during acceleration at multiple temperatures. If calculated muscle power is higher than the capabilities of the muscle, then the lizards may be amplifying power using stored elastic energy.



Effects of Metabolic Rate on Muscle Atrophy 

Muscle disuse from injury or disease leads to a reduction in the contractile proteins that produce force (atrophy). Excessive atrophy hinders organismal performance; however, hibernating animals have physiological solutions to mitigate the negative effects of being sedentary, and they can go for months in this inactive state without significant atrophy.


I am using the western fence lizard, Sceloporus occidentalis, as a model ectothermic hibernator. I am comparing the effects of muscle disuse in metabolically active and hibernating lizards to determine the extent to which temperature and hibernation contribute to muscle disuse atrophy resistance. 

Mechanical Properties of Shark Cartilage


At the University of Rhode Island, I got my master’s degree with Dr. Cheryl Wilga studying the skeletal jaw support elements in sharks. Sharks have cartilaginous elements that support the jaws (hyomandibulae) and are subjected to variable loads. The aim of my master’s work was to understand how the hyomandibulae respond to compressive loads, and to describe the structural level mechanical properties of mineralized cartilage. I measured the mechanical properties of the hyomandibular cartilage in four species of sharks (white-spotted bamboo, Chiloscyllium plagiosum; spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias; sandbar, Carcharhinus plumbeus; and dusky smoothhound, Mustelus canis).


I found that the suction feeding Bamboo sharks have the stiffest hyomandibula, and that it is the proportion of the minerals found in the cross-section of the hyomandibula that likely determines the elements stiffness. For more detail, click the link below.



Jordan Balaban
Jordan Balaban

Burrowing in Pacific Sandlance


During a course I took at the Friday Harbor Laboratories with Dr. Adam Summers and Dr. Lara Ferry, I investigated the preferences of a burrowing fish, the pacific sandlance, Ammodytes personatus, to burrow into different sediment types at different levels of compaction. I also used a materials testing machine and resin models of sandlance to measure how much force was required to burrow into different sediments and compaction levels. Below is a publication of my and my colleagues work on burrowing sandlance.



Jordan Balaban

Neurophysiology of Schizophrenia


As a technician in Dr. Holly Moore's neurophysiology lab at Columbia University, I was involved with several projects on rodent models of schizophrenia. I used electrophysiology, behavioral experiments, and neuronal tracers to find, respectively, the activity of hippocampal and amygdalar dopaminergic neurons, gene expression following a fear response, and neural connections in the brain. I contributed to two publications, linked below.



Jordan Balaban
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